Readers, get in touch with me!

I'm really interested on your feedback. Maybe you have some wishes about special topics around swimming or the Allianz Sports you want to know and I can tell you.

So, Reader, indicate yourself! Use the comment function under any post or send me an email under BorisHendrik-at-americaonline-dot-com (You have to use the abbreviation for america online). I'm looking forward to your feed-back!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

That's all, folks!

Some days ago I got the refusal of my application for Zürich 2014. The mail was generously written in Dutch, I believe with the intention to enhance my foreign language skills. But I took anyway the easy way and asked Mr. Google for a translation and as far as I understood, there were many, many more applicants as available places (20:1 or so).

And too be honest, I'm not in the position to compete with the best runners over 21k or with the swimmers in the pool. Insofar the decision is probably fair and correct. (Maybe I will change me mind if not all BeNeLux runners are under 1:25 over the 21 km)

Now, I could write some words about transparent decision taking processes, about qualification competitions, about a sufficient, well-timed information. But, of course, I don't do so, not in the Internet!

It would have been great to meet some or all of you in Zürich, who contacted me over the last four years via this little blog. And to write again about Allianz Sports. Instead I wish you all the best for your competitions in Zürich. Train hard, take it serious, expect a near professional level of competition and give your very best. Enjoy the international spirit, friendship and, of course, the party. Take some beers for me!

I will work this year on my cycling race come-back and have some great plans, not all is ripe for decision yet. If you want, you can follow me on Twitter, Instagram or via

Have fun - All the Best


Monday, November 11, 2013

Call for Results

Last week we got the "call for results" from the BENELUX team captain Edward. There is no qualification, the nomination will be a round table decision. There are 170 applicants and only 17 places. Due to my long lasting shoulder injury I have no swimming results since two years. And to be honest, I recognized that I'm a cyclist, not a swimmer, and if not a cyclist, than a triathlete, and if not a triathlete than I'm a runner.

I sent all my results from 2013, two sprint distance triathlons, one mountain time trial race and the last result from yesterday, a 10k road run.

My last Half-Marathon was some years ago, my best time 1:39 or 1:38 something. If I take in consideration that I weight less and that I'm in a much better shape and focus my training on the 21 km race, a time around 1:25 should be realistic.

It would be great to blog again about the preparation for and the Allianz Sports itself and to meet all the people who contacted me over this web site.

Now the only thing I can do is waiting. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Saturday, September 14, 2013


A few days ago we got the information that Luxembourg doesn't get his own team, instead we will be part of the new BeNeLux team (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg). 2010 in Hungary we (Vanessa and myself) have been the Lux part of the BeLux team. I believe we were eleven plus Edward, our team captain.

Now it seems, that the central organization team detected, that the team from the Netherlands was bigger than the usual rate of athletes per employees. I'm not 100% sure, but I think it works as follows: At a given point in time the organization team takes the number of employees of Allianz S.E. on one hand and the number of athletes allowed for the next games on the other hand. The ratio between both is the percentage for each country or region. That means that countries with a lot of Allianz employees can send a big team to the games (like e.g. Germany). A country with only a few employes can send probably only one or it will be aggregated with other countries in the region (like Luxembourg).

In the past, Netherlands sent 25 athletes. Much more than Allianz employes peoples in this country (probably). The new number is now 19 (!) for Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg togehter. 19 instead of 36! So you can imagine, the qualification will be very hard.

The only two sports where I have a chance not to stultify myself are swimming and running. But I have no results who can prove my competitiveness. This year I cycled and made Triathlons, but no Half-Marathons and no real Swimming. So it seems, I have to leave Zürich out.

But the hope dies last. I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Qualification for Zürich

Today I found out that the registration process for the next Allianz Games 2014 in Zurich is open and I registered myself immediately. Not sure so far how the process will be for the BeLux team and if there will be a joined BeLux team at all.

Unfortunaly cycling is again not part of the allianz games :-( . So I registered for swimming and the half marathon. 2014 I will celebrate my 40th birthday, that means I have to swim only 50m sprints. I checked for freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Seit Frühjahr diesen Jahres mit ich Mitglied bei Das ist der Schwimmverein hier in Luxembourg. www.Swimming.Lu

Ich schwimme bei den Masters. Masters sind über 25 Jahre und betreiben den Sport als Amateure und zum Spass. Es geht nicht darum neue Rekorde aufzustellen (Obwohl die, die Wettkämpfe bestreiten natürlich auch auf die Zeiten schauen).

Die Trainingsmöglichkeiten sind fantastisch. Training ist neun mal in der Woche im Wasser und zusätzlich ein mal im Kraftraum. Davon 4 x auf 50m Bahnen und 6 x in kleinen Becken. Dabei stehen uns mindestens 3 Bahnen zur Verfügung, meistens aber die gesamten Becken. In jedem Training ist ein Trainer dabei, der mit Rat und Tat zur Seite steht.

Daneben finden aber auch viele andere Sachen statt. Es werden grosse Meetings veranstaltet (und das perfekt), Schwimmschule, Leistungsschwimmen... schaut einfach mal auf der Internetseite vorbei.

Alles sehr zu empfehlen!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

No Swimming

Not related to swimming, but nevertheless splashy:

Monday, November 1, 2010

German or English

Readers, following Google Analytics I have page views from around the world. The question I'm asking myself is now: Are the page views only page views or are behind the page views also readers? And if yes, should I blog in German or in English or in both languages alternately?

Pro German is:
- It's easier for me and much faster
- Cobbler, stick to your last!

Pro English is:
- A good exercise to improve my English
- A good chance to make you laughing
- To reach people around the world

You find on the right hand side a poll! Please vote!!

At the moment I plan to blog until the next Sports in Zürich and tell about my improvement in the water, the training, the masters swimming and ....